Dr Kris Shrishak is a public interest technologist and a Senior Fellow at Enforce. He advises legislators on emerging technologies and global AI governance. He is regularly invited to speak at the European Parliament and has testified at the Irish Parliament.
His work focusses on privacy tech, anti-surveillance, emerging technologies, and algorithmic decision making. Previously, Kris was a researcher at Technical University Darmstadt in Germany where he worked on applied cryptography, privacy enhancing technologies and Internet security.
He is co-organising Dagstuhl seminar on PETs and AI: Privacy Washing and the Need for a PETs Evaluation Framework in March 2025. He is one of the experts for the European Data Protection Board. His reports on bias evaluation and data subject rights commissioned by the German data protection agency were published in January 2025.
He enjoys listening, diverse food, watching films, observing other art, taking photos, reading longform, strolling through towns, and meeting new people (write to me!).