This page lists my publications.

You can find my earlier writings on the blog of TU Delft.

Essays and opinion pieces

Privacy and anti-surveillance

Artificial Intelligence

  • The UK Competition Authority Should Investigate the AI Partnerships now, 13 May 2024. Available at ICCL. [PDF]

  • Submission to European Commission on dual-use R&D funding, 30 April 2024. Available at ICCL. [PDF]

  • ICCL Enforce Urges European Commission to Address Concentration in AI, 11 March 2024. Available at ICCL.

  • Submission to European Commission on Microsoft-OpenAI “partnership” merger inquiry, 30 January 2024. Available at ICCL. [PDF] [Financial Times] [Politico-1] [Politico-2]

  • Submission on Microsoft-OpenAI “partnership” merger inquiry, 9 January 2024. Available at ICCL. [PDF] [Politico] [Euractiv] [TechCrunch] [Financial Times]

  • Product Liability Directive: A lost opportunity for the EU, 14 December 2023. Available at ICCL.

  • ICCL submission on G7 generative AI consultation, 25 October 2023. Available at ICCL.

  • ICCL recommendations in European Commission’s AI standardisation request, 12 June 2023. Available at ICCL.

  • ICCL recommendations in important European Parliament text on the AI Act, 10 May 2023. Available at ICCL.

  • EUs AI Liability regime should apply strict liability, 28 November 2022. Available at ICCL. [PDF]

  • New liability rules on product and AI are encouraging but need improvement, 4 October 2022. Available at ICCL.

  • European Parliament embraces ICCL recommendations on the Artificial Intelligence Act, 5 May 2022. Available at ICCL.

  • Technical errors in the AI Act, 8 March 2022. Available at ICCL. [PDF] [Politico]

  • Flaws in ex-post enforcement in the AI Act, 15 February 2022. With Johnny Ryan. Available at ICCL. [PDF] [Politico]

    • Update on 1 April 2022: Three column document with amendments to strengthen the enforcement powers of market surveillance authorities and to monitors providers. [PDF]
    • Update on 29 April 2022: Many of these amendments have been included in the IMCO-LIBE joint report from the European Parliament. See especially Amendments 172, 219, 258-270.
  • Submission to the consultation on adapting the liability rules to the digital age and artificial intelligence, 7 January 2022. Available at ICCL. [PDF]

  • A serious loophole in Europe’s draft AI Regulation?, 27 October 2021. With Johnny Ryan. Available at ICCL. [PDF]

    • Update on 11 November 2021: Two column document with amendments to fix the AI Regulation’s scope errors. [PDF]
    • Update on 15 February 2022: Three column document that describes how Council’s partial compromise text does not address the scope errors to protect rights. [PDF]

Academic Publications


  • Kris Shrishak. Practical Secure Computation for Internet Infrastructure, April 2021. Ph.D. thesis. [Cite] [PDF]

  • Kris Shrishak. Incorporating Leveled Homomorphic Encryption-based Private Information Retrieval in Federated eID Schemes to Enhance User Privacy, May 2016. M.Sc. Thesis. [PDF]

Peer-reviewed publications

Author names are listed alphabetically in most of my publications (exceptions: 1-2).

  1. Kris Shrishak, Haya Shulman. Negotiating PQC for DNSSEC. DSN, June 2021. [Cite]
  2. Kris Shrishak, Haya Shulman. Privacy Preserving and Resilient RPKI. INFOCOM, May 2021. [Cite] [ePrint] [arXiv]
  3. Anders Dalskov, Marcel Keller, Claudio Orlandi, Kris Shrishak, Haya Shulman. Securing DNSSEC Keys via Threshold ECDSA From Generic MPC. ESORICS, September 2020. [Cite] [ePrint] [Youtube]
  4. Kris Shrishak, Haya Shulman. Limiting the Power of RPKI Authorities. ANRW, July 2020. [Cite] [Youtube] [APNIC Blog] [RIPE Labs] [Rule11 Tech]
  5. Markus Brandt, Claudio Orlandi, Kris Shrishak, Haya Shulman. Optimal Transport Layer for Secure Computation. SECRYPT, July 2020. [Cite] [ePrint]
  6. Kris Shrishak, Haya Shulman. MPC for Securing Internet Infrastructure. DSN, July 2020. [Cite] [Youtube]
  7. Michael Kreutzer, Ruben Niederhagen, Kris Shrishak, Hervais Simo Fhom. Quotable Signatures using Merkle Trees. GI-Jahrestagung 2019, September 2019. [Cite]
  8. Kris Shrishak, Haya Shulman, Michael Waidner. Removing the Bottleneck for Practical 2PC. ACM CCS, October 2018. [Cite]
  9. Kris Shrishak, Zekeriya Erkin, Remco Schaar. Enhancing User Privacy in Federated eID Schemes NTMS, November 2016. [Cite]
  10. Kris Shrishak, Zekeriya Erkin, Remco Schaar. Enhancing privacy of users in eID schemes. 37th WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, May 2016. [PDF]

Non-refereed publications

  • Kris Shrishak. How to deal with an AI near-miss: Look to the skies. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Volume 79, 2023 - Issue 3: Special issue: Early warnings and near misses: Lessons we still haven’t learned. Available at Taylor & Francis. [Archive]

  • Markus Uhlmann, Kris Shrishak, Michael Weiler. The role of the trust category for the development of new data protection approaches. Amsterdam Privacy Conference, October 2018. Available at ResearchGate.

Other publications

  • Sustainable Internet governance (contributor) in Recommendations for a sustainable digital future; Youth4DigitalSustainability, November 2020. Available at German Informatics Society.

  • Kris Shrishak. Limiting the Power of RPKI Authorities, 27 August 2020. Available at APNIC Blog and RIPE Labs.

  • Kris Shrishak. How ‘human chipping’ influences who we are and who we think we are, Lesezeichen “Technik”, August 2020. Available at Asta Darmstadt.

  • Kris Shrishak. (Almost) Predictable beings in a Techno-social World, Lesezeichen “Technik”, August 2020. Available at Asta Darmstadt.

  • Data protection and children’s safety (contributor) in YOUthDIG 2020 messages, May 2020. Available at EuroDIG.